Monthly Archives: May 2015

Book Review: My Heart is Your Brothel by Namitha Varma

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My Heart is Your BrothelMy Heart is Your Brothel by Namitha Varma
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are love poems that leave you starry-eyed and smiling, and then there are love poems that leave you with a slight throb in the heart.

Namitha Varma’s poems in My Heart is Your Brothel, I feel, belong to the second category. This collection of micropoems “dedicated to infatuation”, takes you on a journey of love, right from the beginnings to the intensities. Succinct and straight, the poems are full of fiery passion, bittersweet longings and intensity. Love burns bright in each poem, and the sharp words bare out every feeling, every desire unabashedly and unapologetically. They come right from the poet’s heart, and cut right through into the reader’s heart. A great, quick read, that is also quite worth a revisit! 🙂

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This poetry collection is available as a free ebook here: