Book Review: Around India in 80 Trains by Monisha Rajesh

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Around India in 80 TrainsAround India in 80 Trains by Monisha Rajesh
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wasn’t that excited to read this before starting and probably wouldn’t have even bought it if the Kindle store wasn’t selling it at a good discount, so I could say the book exceeded my expectations. The writing was very raw at the beginning but got better towards the end. A lot of the mannerisms and behaviour of people she met, the surroundings etc are exaggerated of course, but I had already expected that before starting to read it.(view spoiler) I also learnt some new things about our railways, especially about the Lifeline Express, finding the age of the compartments with the numbers displayed on them etc. Next time while travelling on a train I think I will try that out. The book was more about the journey and the trains than the actual destinations and being quite fond of the train myself I enjoyed that. Rating this 3 stars.

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